
Showing posts from October, 2020

Project FAQs and Sample Projects

  Project FAQs and Sample Projects The following is the list of projects in different segments. Any of these projects can be developed by an individual either to enhance his/her skills in a particular technology such as Java or .NET. These projects can also be submitted as the academic projects for various disciplines like MCA,MSC,BE etc. FAQs regarding projects Web Projects Utilities - Networking Applications - Database and XML FAQs Regarding Projects Before I list out projects, I would like to clarify some common misconceptions regarding projects by providing answers to some of the commonly asked questions. What is a project? A project is a requirement. When a college wants to computerize its library, it is a requirement and hence a project. The ultimate goal of the project is to full fill the requirement in the best possible manner. What is a Live Project? A live project, in the strict sense, is a project developed and used in real-world. If a library management project is devel...

.NET Windows Application Using VB.NET

  .NET Windows Application Using VB.NET The following are the projects I have developed as class room projects for VB.NET batches. We start with design and then develop the project and also discuss about deplyoment. Indeed a complete project. However, as some of the screen are given to students as assignments they may not figure in these projects. It means some of the screen and reports may not be available in the project. You are expected to do them on your own. Since these projects are done in the class room they cannot be comprehensive like real world projects. At the same time they do server as first step and give you an idea about how to develop application using VB.NET using Oracle as the backend. You can find structure of tables and required stored procedures in text files in the ZIP typically with the names - CRTTAB.SQL and PROCEDURES.SQL. Software Project Management System Allows project managers to manage details related to projects,modules, components and elements of pro...

ASP.NET Projects Developed In Classroom

  ASP.NET Projects Developed In Classroom The following is the list of projects developed in the recent .NET batches. For each project, complete source code and other relevant instructions are provided. My Notes (26-July-2016) My Deposits (19-Sep-2015) Personal Accounting (9-July-2015) MyTasks.Com (28-Apr-2015) Email Sender (19-Feb-2015) Lyrics.Com (7-Dec-2014) Students Tracker (18-Sep-2014) Bank Accounts Tracker (12-July-2014) MyAccounts.Com - Website to store accounts of other websites (8-May-2014) Students Information System (7-Feb-2014) CabsOnline.Com - website to book cabs online (25-Nov-2013) Clients Information Management (17-Sep-2013) Class Scheduler (30-Jun-2013) Employees Dependents Information (21-Feb-2013) Photos.Com - Website for photos (22-Nov-2012) CodeSnippets.Com - Website that allows users to post code snippets on differnt topics (7-Sep-2012) ShareExpenses.Com - Website to keep track of expenses related to a programme such as a trip (27-June-2012) Deposits Tracker...