Hostel Management System Database Design

This Database Design for Z Hostel Management System is tedious process by manual way, since it involves work load time consumption. With Complete Management System, we can easily manage the customer details, room/room status, booking, hostel branch, employees, payments and transaction. Thus, there are a lot of repetition can be easily evaded which has reduced the data redundancy.
Hostel Management System Database Design is a software developed for managing various activities in the hostel. For the past few years the numbers of travelers around the world are increasing rapidly. Thereby the numbers of hotels are also increasing for the accommodation of the travelers around the world.

Z Hostel Management System Database Design


Database Design for Hostel Management System Features
  1. Creation of building block information
  2. Provision of various room types (single/twin/single with air-con room/twin with air-con room/romantic with air-con room/group room for many/luxury with air-con room and family room/ family with air-con room)
  3. Room allotment to the traveler
  4. Traveler check in and check out
  5. Monitoring visitors and guest register
  6. Transfer of rooms

Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 8 Proposed SCA HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Entity Relationship Diagram shows the system entity relationships in each entity and their supposed functions in each relationship.

Diagram of Hostel Management System

Figure 8: Proposed SCA HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Entity Relationship Diagram
Based on figure 8, the proposed SCA HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Entity Relationship Diagram are the entity of the proposed SCA HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM database, which are presented by tables; the tables are made to meet the required specification of the system and provide a much more specific details of the each entities within the system.
Table 8: tblcustomer_details
Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Customer _IDCustomer IDint11
First_nameCustomer First namevarchar50
Last_nameCustomer Last namevarchar50
AddressCustomer Addresstext50
Phone_no.Customer Phone numberint11
Table 9: tblroom/room_status
Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Room_IDroom IDint5
Room_descriptionroom descriptionvarchar50
Room_priceroom priceint50
Hostel_IDhostel IDvarchar5
Room_statusroom statusvarchar50
Table 10: tblbooking

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Booking_IDbooking IDint5
Customer_IDcustomer IDInt5
Room_IDroom IDInt5
Booking_datebooking datevarchar50
Check_in_datecheck in dateVarchar50
Check_out_datecheck out dateVarchar50
no._of_nightsno. of nightsint5
Table 11: hostel_branch
Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Hostel_branch_IDHostel IDint5
NameHostel Branch Namevarchar50
addressHostel Branch Addresstext100
Phone_no.Hostel Branch Phone numberint11
Manager_IDHostel Branch Manager IDint5
Table 12: tblemployees
Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Employee_IDEmployee IDint5
First nameEmployee First namevarchar50
Last nameEmployee Last namevarchar50
AddressEmployee Addresstext100
Phone_no.Employee Phone numberint11
Email_AddressEmployee Email Addressvarchar50
Hostel_IDEmployee Hostel IDint5
Table 13: tblpayments
Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Payment_IDPayment IDint5
Customer_IDCustomer IDint5
Booking_IDBooking IDint5
Room_priceRoom priceint50
No._of_nightsNumber of nightsint50
Total_paymentsTotal paymentsint50
Table 14: Transaction

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Transaction_IDTransaction IDInt5
Customer_IDCustomer IDInt5
Booking_IDBooking IDInt5
Payment_IDPayment IDint5
Employee_IDEmployee IDint5
Table keys
Table nameField nameKey type
Hostel_branchHostel branch_IDPK


This Management System for Hostel Database Design intend for students project to ease the burden in developing the system.


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