Job Portal Project

It is written in PHP and is using a MySQL database.
This Project divided in to two module
User Side
Admin Panel
Features fro User side
  1. User can register your self
  2. login module
  3. User can update own profile
  4. change password
  5. view cart
  6. Order History
Features for Admin
  1. Admin can control the whole data from admin panel
  2. Change the prices of services.
  3. Manage the all register users
  4. Change the content of the site

Technologies Used In this Project

1.HTML 2.CSS 3.PHP 4.MYSQL 5.JAVASCRIPTS 6.JQUERY. Software Required(Any one) 1.XAMPP 2.WAMP 3.LAMP 4.MAMP

How to run the Project

  1. Download the Project.
  2. Unzip the project file and paste in the root directory.
  3. Create the database “naukri2jobs”;
  4. Import the sql file(sql file will be available inside the package)
  5. link for project : http://localhost/jobportal
  6. link for admin Panel : http://localhost/jobportal/admin
Login Details for user :
Username : and
Password : phpgurukul
Login Details for Admin :
Username : admin and
Password : phpgurukul
Download Source Code(Job Portal)
Size: 11.8 MB
Version: V 1.0


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